Ngoc Bao Biomedical Joint Stock Company is a scientific and technological enterprise specializing in the fields of researching and manufacturing of biomedical material, implanted medical devices, dental materials, and 3D printing (using PEEK – Polyether Ether Ketone and titanium powder).

Ngoc Bao Biomedical JSC is the managing unit of Ngoc Bao Biomedical Research and Development Institute .

The Ngoc Bao Biomedical Research Institute operates under license number B-23/2016 DK-KH&CN issued by the Department of Science and Technology of Hanoi City. The core force is scientists who have worked in research institutions and top universities in Vietnam, such as Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and various institutes under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, including the Institute of Biotechnology, the Institute of Materials, and universities abroad.

Currently, the Institute has gathered a team of scientific advisors and senior researchers, led by Associate Professor, Dr. Ngo Duy Thin as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Professor, Dr. Trinh Binh as the Director.

  • Being the first unit in Vietnam to research and manufacture personalized implant, bone tissue replacement made with 3D printing technology from biomedical materials for treatment in trauma, orthopedics, and aesthetic shaping. 
  • A unit with extensive experience in evaluating and testing the biocompatibility of materials and medical devices according to ISO 10993.



In the context of bone cancer, musculoskeletal pathologies, sports injuries, occupational accidents… that pose a risk of disability, the development of artificial bone substitute surgery has contributed significantly to changing the lives of many patients.


Manufacturing successfully cranial bone graft products for patients requiring surgery cranial defects using PEEK biomaterial materials and 3D printing technology is a new progress with social and humanity meaning. This result is expected to help build the domestic production for medical grafting equipment from biomaterials, reducing dependence on imports.


For the first time in Vietnam, Ngoc Bao Biomedical Joint Stock Company has manufactured artificial silicon joints, and a team of doctors simultaneously replaced 8 joints for a patient, opening up new opportunities in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.


Evaluation of biocompatibility and absorbable capacity of surgical sutures from nano technology

(Ministry of Science and Technology)

Research on the application of artificial intelligence to support the diagnosis and surgical treatment of bone cancer

(Ministry of Science and Technology)

Evaluation of biocompatibility of two types of composite materials with a reinforced nanostructure base, oriented for implanting on humans

(Ministry of Science and Technology)

Research on design and manufacture of eye socket filler bioballs from polyether ether ketone (PEEK) material for medical use

(Ministry of Health)

Apply 3D printing technology to manufacture some implant products in Orthopedic trauma, meet the needs of personalized and industrial-scale production
(Ministry of Health)

Research and manufacture joints of hands, fingers and forearms using 3D technology from biomedical materials

(Ministry of Health)

Research and manufacture cranioplasty patch and torus mandibular using 3D technology from biomedical materials

(Ministry of Health)

Complete production technology for implanting and shaping skull and face products from PEEK biomedical materials using 3D technology
(Ministry of Health)

Research and manufacture production materials of biological bones for dental implants

(Ministry of Health)


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